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Skip Navigation · Home · ANFAC appreciates the proactivity of Spanish ports in a very positive way
ANFAC appreciates the proactivity of Spanish ports in a very positive way

The Spanish Association of Car and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC) presents its report "Assessment of Maritime-Port Logistics"


ANFAC appreciates the proactivity of Spanish ports in a very positive way


  • Toledo: "The advances in digitisation and the improvements in connectivity that we are undertaking in the ports, especially in the railways, will allow us to speed up the management processes."
  • The seven Port Authorities included in the Report (Barcelona, Malaga, Pasajes, Santander, Tarragona, Valencia and Vigo) moved more than 3 million vehicles in 2019.
  • Maritime transport accounts for 45.3% of import/export vehicle movements

 07-10-2020 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda) The President of State Ports, Francisco Toledo, attended the online presentation of the 2019 edition of ANFAC's Logistics Assessment Report, together with José López-Tafall, General Director of ANFAC, and Aránzazu Mur, Director of ANFAC's Economic and Logistics Department.

The ANFAC Report includes the 7 main Port Authorities (Barcelona, Malaga, Pasajes, Santander, Tarragona, Valencia and Vigo)  involved in the import and export of vehicles which, with more than 3 million vehicles, represent nearly 90% of the total moved in 2019 by the 28 Spanish Port Authorities. The overall assessment of the ports is satisfactory, obtaining 4.1 out of 5. The proactivity of the Port Authorities, 4.2 out of 5, in anticipating and solving problems as well as maintaining and improving port infrastructures, stands out in their assessments, increasing to 4.4 out of 5 when it comes to allocating storage areas, customs formalities and road accessibility.


According to Toledo, the outstanding assessment that car manufacturers make of the ports "highlights the importance of maritime transport for the sector, and should be an incentive to continue improving the services we provide".


It should be remembered that Spain, with 2.77 million vehicles produced in 2019, is the second largest producer on the European continent, just behind Germany (4.6 million), and ninth in the world.


The President of State Ports stated that "the advances in digitalisation and the improvements in connectivity that we are undertaking in the ports, especially in railways, will allow us to speed up the management and handling processes, which will result in greater efficiency and productivity in the sector".


According to modes of transport, maritime transport is undoubtedly the most popular, accounting for 45.3%, followed by land with 40.9% and finally rail with 13.7%. And if we talk about multimodal transport, the ship-land combination continues to be the majority option (62.4% in exports, 94.4% in imports), the ship-railway option continuing to gain until it represents 37.6% of exports in 2019, and a growth of 2.2% with respect to 2018. Ship-train imports, which represented 5.6%, grew by three tenths.

In the first eight months of 2020, 1.26 million vehicles were handled in the seven Port Authorities included in the Report, which has meant a decrease of 34.30% with respect to the same period of the previous year.




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