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Skip Navigation · Home · The Government has authorized the procurement of works to remodel the Technical & Administrative Services Area (ASTA) in the Port of Barcelona for 19.6 million euros
The Government has authorized the procurement of works to remodel the Technical & Administrative Services Area (ASTA) in the Port of Barcelona for 19.6 million euros

Today, in a Council of Ministers

The Government has authorized the procurement of works to remodel the Technical & Administrative Services Area (ASTA) in the Port of Barcelona for 19.6 million euros


  • The object of this contract, to be executed over a 42-month term, is to completely refurbish the facilities, which will involve urban development in the adjacent space.


08-25-2020 (Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda).

The Council of Ministers, at its meeting today and on a proposal from the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma), has authorized the procurement of works to remodel the Technical and Administrative Services Area (ASTA) in the Port of Barcelona.


The contract has an estimated value of 19,647,739 euros (without VAT) and will be executed over a 42-month term.


The object of the contract is to completely refurbish the "ASTA" facilities, located in the services zone of the Port of Barcelona, consisting of two buildings, a main building and a complementary annex, this second one assigned to the port police.


This full refurbishment project, in addition to remodeling the indicated buildings, will involve urban development in the space adjacent to such facilities.


The works will consist of strengthening the upper structure and entirely replacing the roof, as well as unifying false ceilings, surfacing, dry walls and material on the façade, which will be entirely replaced. The new roofs and façades will increase the supporting loads in both buildings, requiring a strengthening of foundations.



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