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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado will continue to support the activities of FETEIA
Puertos del Estado will continue to support the activities of FETEIA

Salvador de la Encina receives representatives of the Spanish Federation of Freight Forwarder Associations (FETEIA-OLTRA)

Puertos del Estado will continue to support the activities of FETEIA


24-06-2019 (Ministry of Development). The president of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, had a working meeting with Enric Ticó and Agustin Montori, president and head of the Maritime Affairs Commission of FETEIA, respectively. During the meeting, the representatives of the freight forwarders offered Puertos del Estado the possibility of joining the CETMO Foundation which promotes cooperation in transport in the Western Mediterranean. The aim of the Foundation is to improve transport conditions in the Mediterranean region in order to facilitate trade and the movement of people in a safe, efficient and sustainable manner, particularly in the environmental field.


In addition, freight forwarders expressed particular concern about the situation of the Border Inspection Services (BIS), and offered their international coverage in order to analyze the different models of provision of this service at European level.


De la Encina announced that Puertos del Estado will continue to contribute and support FETEIA, given the importance of freight forwarders in international transport, and announced that its intention is to be present at the Conference to be held next September in Gijón.


Regarding the situation of the BIS, the president of Puertos del Estado reminded them that, although not under the jurisdiction of his Agency, he would will channel the concerns of freight forwarders to the corresponding agencies.


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