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Skip Navigation · Home · A Guide to drafting the Specific Protection Plans of the ports was presented
A Guide to drafting the Specific Protection Plans of the ports was presented

During the work session on preparing the Port Authorities' Protection Plans

A Guide to drafting the Specific Protection Plans of the ports was presented


  • Puertos del Estado and the National Center for Infrastructure and Cybersecurity (CNPIC) have worked together to prepare it

20-02-2019 (Ministry of Public Works and Transport). Puertos del Estado and the Secretary of State for Security (SES) have held a work session dedicated to the Port Protection Plan/Specific Protection Plan. During it, the CNPIC and Puertos del Estado have presented a Guide for drafting the Specific Protection Plan in the form of a supplementary annex to the Port Protection Plan that incorporates the different plans concerning maritime security. Said document will serve for the Port Authorities to draft their respective Specific Protection Plans for each port that has been considered critical.

Law 8/2011, of April 28, which establishes measures for the protection of critical infrastructures, establishes that the operator designated as critical, irrespective of whether it belongs to the public or private sector, will be integrated as an agent of the system to protect critical infrastructures, and must comply with a number of responsibilities included in article 13. These include the following:

c) Preparing the Operator's Safety Plan.

d) Preparing a Specific Protection Plan for each of the infrastructures considered critical.

e) Appointing a Security and Liaison Officer.

f) Appointing a Security Delegate for each of its infrastructures considered critical.

In turn, Royal Decree 704/2011, of May 20, approving the Regulation for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures, establishes in relation to the Specific Protection Plans those aspects related to drafting, the purpose and content of the same, in addition to its approval or modification, registration, classification and forms of revision and updating, authorities in charge of its application and monitoring and compatibility with other existing plans.

In terms of compatibility with other existing plans, in the case of ports, Article 29 of the aforementioned regulation for the protection of critical infrastructures establishes that the Specific Protection Plans will be incorporated into the Port Protection Plans, foreseen in Royal Decree 1617/2007, which establishes measures for the improvement of the protection of ports and maritime transport, ruling on its approval and evaluation by the provisions of said Royal Decree.


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