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De la Encina meets up with the Depots management

De la Encina meets up with the Depots management


  • ARCE has presented the president of Puertos del Estado with its claims, as a "necessary part" of transportation safety



09-30-2019 (Ministry of Development). The president of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, has held a fruitful encounter with the Spanish Association of Container Repairing Depots (ARCE), which brings together the Depots of Algeciras, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia and Vigo. The meeting was attended by the heads of Operation and Planning of Puertos del Estado, Leandro Melgar and Álvaro Rodríguez; ARCE was represented by its president, Juan Ureta, its vice-president, Tomás Pellisé, and its representative in Valencia, Alfredo Soler.


ARCE's representatives presented their view of these Depots, whose activity they consider should be included in the guiding plans of all ports belonging to the state-owned general interest network. As an example, they referred to other European ports and indicated that this would improve competitiveness, service and control over environmental impact.


They pointed out that their inspection and repair of containers, according to the criteria imposed by RD 2319/2004, has turned Depots into a "necessary part" of transportation safety.


They highlighted that their regulated and professional activity helps improve the efficiency of the logistics and distribution chains, given that their inspections and repairs avoid having to return damaged containers.


Puertos del Estado noted their comments for future reference and future contacts were proposed for an in-depth study of possible improvements in the system, to include part of ARCE's points of view.


In the course of the meeting, representatives of the Depots management provided Salvador de la Encina with a copy of the book entitled "Maritime container safety".

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