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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado and the Cartagena Port Authority analyze a three-year 200-million investment plan
Puertos del Estado and the Cartagena Port Authority analyze a three-year 200-million investment plan

Puertos del Estado and the Cartagena Port Authority analyze a three-year 200-million investment plan


  • Toledo: "It will help create jobs in addition to greater economic growth, given that these productive investments improve business competitiveness"



07-08-2020 (Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda). The President of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, and the President of the Cartagena Port Authority, Yolanda Muñoz, have held a meeting to design a productive investment plan in order to boost the economy in Murcia following the COVID-19 crisis.


This plan, which is part of the global plan launched by the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) for the 28 Port Authorities, has followed the investment criteria established by Puertos del Estado.


"In this type of plan, we prioritize port-city integration investments, advocating railway connectivity, promoting digital transformation, safety and environmental sustainability", explained Toledo, both as regards the impact of port operations and a reduction in the carbon print.


The investments analyzed reach 200 million, an amount that the Port Authority has undertaken to execute over a period of three years. The President of Puertos del Estado has declared that the launching of this plan "will help create jobs whilst various projects are being built up, in addition to promoting economic growth once they are running, given that these productive investments improve business competitiveness".


As regards a potential investment in the Logistic Services Zone (ZAL) of Los Camachos, the President of Puertos del Estado has ordered a study on the ZAL's demand and economic sustainability, as well as installation commitments on the part of port operators.


The meeting was attended by the Head of Planning & Development of Puertos del Estado, Álvaro Rodríguez; the Head of the Technical Cabinet of Puertos del Estado, Ana María García; and the Manager of the Cartagena Port Authority, Fermín Rol.


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