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Skip Navigation · Home · Approval of the evaluation of the grounds and sheet of water in the service area of Ports of Bilbao and Valencia
Approval of the evaluation of the grounds and sheet of water in the service area of Ports of Bilbao and Valencia

Approval of the evaluation of the grounds and sheet of water in the service area of Ports of Bilbao and Valencia


  • The evaluations of four ports have been approved in the past months


05-10-2019 (Ministry of Public Works). As published on today's Official State Bulletin, the Ministry of Public Works approved the evaluation proposal of the grounds and sheet of water in the service area of the Ports of Bilbao and Valencia, issued by Puertos de Estado and drafted by the corresponding Port Authorities. The evaluations include the grounds affected by economic aid for navigation (lighthouses) and managed by the respective Port Authorities.


These evaluations are necessary in order to calculate the total amount of the occupation tax that must be paid by users applying for authorizations or concessions The tax base of this amount is the value of the occupied public commodity. The update to the evaluations was highly necessary given the time since the previous evaluation as well as the modifications, change in use and utilization of the ports over the past years. The affected grounds were evaluated according to market criteria, taking as reference the value of nearby municipal grounds with similar uses and in similar conditions.


These new evaluations are over and above those of the Ports of Gijón and Melilla, approved in 2018.

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