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Skip Navigation · Home · Commencement of the XXIV Latin American Course on Port Management
Commencement of the XXIV Latin American Course on Port Management

De la Encina enhances the high level of port development reached after 24 years of cooperation with the Organization of American States

Commencement of the XXIV Latin American Course on Port Management


  • 25 students from 12 Latin American countries will be trained for a month at Puertos del Estado's head office



09-25-2019 (Ministry of Development). The president of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, has inaugurated the XXIV Latin American Course on Port Management, welcoming 25 students from 12 Latin American countries. During his speech, De la Encina recalled the importance of these initiatives to strengthen international cooperation, and highlighted the prestige obtained by Spain's port engineering and management, which has served as a reference for many participating countries.

The course is an initiative coordinated by Puertos del Estado, on behalf of the Spanish port system, and the Inter-American Committee on Ports of the Organization of American States. Its participating professionals have different technical profiles, and come from various Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Uruguay.

During the course, the main port development models currently existing worldwide will be analyzed, focusing on Spain and Latin America, and the main components and techniques related to port planning and strategy will be examined, infrastructures, port financing, logistics and intermodality, port operation, as well as issues related to RDI and human resources, all seeking to achieve the efficiency and competitiveness expected of modern ports.


The course covers a total of 150 lecturing hours, of which 80 hours will be covered by talks, workshops and conferences; part of the traineeship includes an "end-of-course" project, to be defended before a tribunal. Furthermore, various ports in the Spanish system will be visited (Bahía de Algeciras, Huelva and Seville), where the lectures received will be complemented with an analysis of each case study.


The course's speakers will include renowned experts and professionals in Spain and Latin America, who will arrange talks in the various sessions and will explain success stories in the port, logistics and intermodal sector.


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