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Skip Navigation · Home · The Spanish Ports will continue with their cargo logistics in the supply chain
The Spanish Ports will continue with their cargo logistics in the supply chain

Exception to Order PCM/216/2020

The Spanish Ports will continue with their cargo logistics in the supply chain


  • Order PCM/216/2020, of 12 March, restricts passenger traffic but excludes State, cargo and humanitarian vessels
  • The ports are authorized to allow the long-term berthing of empty cruiseships, in order to enable their removal from service



03-13-2020 (Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda). The Spanish general interest port system, consisting of 28 port authorities and 46 ports coordinated by Puertos del Estado, a public body ascribed to the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) is continuing with its regular cargo logistics operations for any ships requesting a stop-over.


In this way, the Spanish ports are helping to guarantee regularity in Spain's supply chain and in the stockpiling of consumer products.


The important part played by ports in distribution chains should be recalled: 85% of Spain's imports enter through these ports, as well as 55% of all exports.


"Order PCM/216/2020, of 12 March, publishing the Resolution passed by the Council of Ministers on 12 March 2020, establishing exceptional measures to limit the outbreak and infection of COVID-19, by banning incoming passenger ships from the Italian Republic and cruiseships from any point en route to Spanish ports", does not affect State, humanitarian work or cargo vessels.


Point four of said Order states the following:


"Four. Exceptions.

This prohibition will not apply to State vessels, to cargo-only ships or to ships navigating for humanitarian, medical or emergency reasons. The Ministry of Healthcare may exceptionally lift the bans on authorized ships. In any case, all the necessary healthcare control measures will be adopted to avoid any risk to Spain's population".


Consequently, the traffic of ship-borne cargo requesting a stop-over at any port included in the State-owned system will continue as normal.


In turn, the port authorities have been authorized to grant long-term berthing (to the extent of their possibilities) to cruiseships, in order to proceed with their removal and thus avoid any potential risks of coronavirus infection. Such long-term stay will be passenger-free and will be assigned the minimum crew required.


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