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Skip Navigation · Home · Public-private investment in the port of Alicante will exceed 140 million euros
Public-private investment in the port of Alicante will exceed 140 million euros

Puertos del Estado and the Port Authority of Alicante agree on the 2020-2024 Business Plan


Public-private investment in the port of Alicante will exceed 140 million euros


  • Public investment will amount to more than 22 million, while private investment exceeds 118 million euros.

  • The port has applied fee reductions amounting to 1.4 million euros, and payment deferrals of a further 2.3 million, to help boost the economy.


16-10-2020 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda) The President of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, held a meeting yesterday through videoconference with Antonio Gisbert y Carlos Eleno, President and Director, respectively, of the Alicante Port Authority, where they agreed on the 2020-2024 Business Plan, a period during which €140 million will be invested.

The Port Authority has highlighted the main investments, which will be divided into three main groups:


  • Port-City action: with public investment for the improvement of Quays 1 and 2, giving continuity to the private investment project that will deal with Quays 4, 6, 8 and 10, corresponding to the surroundings of the Sports Marina; and the creation of a pedestrian ring in the inner dock.
  • Sustainability and energy: where the Parque del Mar will be extended to Casa Mediterráneo and the energy efficiency of all the port lighting will be improved.
  • Port infrastructures: with the reinforcement of the fishing dock quays.



During the meeting the need to promote, in the short term, a Collaboration Agreement with the ADIF to build a 750-meter train siding on the Alicante-La Encina line was also addressed.


In regards to space planning, the 6th specific modification of the Special Plan for the Port of Alicante, planned for 2021, will extend the opportunity for the use of offices in Sector 6 of the port.


Despite the drop in traffic, and given that 50% of the Port Authority's income comes from concessions to business and production, the public body has made a special effort in applying measures for economic reactivation due to COVID-19 which, for the companies, has meant total savings of 1.4 million euros, through the reduction of taxes.


Besides the reduction in fees, the Alicante Port Authority has granted deferments and instalments of payments, without requiring guarantees and without accruing interest for late payment, to the value of 2.3 million euros.



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