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Skip Navigation · Home · The Port Authority of Huelva and the Puertos del Estado agree on the 2020-24 Business Plan with an investment of €238 million
The Port Authority of Huelva and the Puertos del Estado agree on the 2020-24 Business Plan with an investment of €238 million

The Port Authority of Huelva and the Puertos del Estado agree on the 2020-24 Business Plan with an investment of €238 million


  • The levy on goods will be reduced by 5.2% in 2021



20-10-2020 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda) The Port Authority of Huelva and Puertos del Estado have agreed on the Port Huelva Business Plan for the period of 2020-24 at a work meeting, via video conference, attended by the presidents of both bodies, Pilar Miranda and Francisco Toledo, together with the director of the APH, Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio. This concludes the preliminary work phase between the two entities, which began in March of this year, to draw up the contents of this plan to be submitted for approval to the Board of Directors of Port Huelva in the near future.


The agreed investment plan reinforces the strategies of Port Huelva on key lines such as infrastructures, innovation, sustainability, diversification and the bringing together of the port city. Thus, the implementation of more than 238 million euros has been programmed in regards to investment.


The most relevant lines of investment are related to infrastructures and facilities that support traffic diversification (ZAL, South Quay, new accesses), the fitting out of spaces recovered for the city (Levante Quay, Francisco Montenegro Avenue) and facilities to promote intermodality, especially railway accessibility and safety. Special mention must be made of the investment effort in environmental sustainability, technological equipment and R&D&I.


The President of the Port Authority of Huelva pointed out that "the Business Plan 2021, while awaiting final approval by our Board of Directors, will underpin the strategic lines of Port Huelva in order to consolidate and continue to grow as a bulk, multimodal, logistical, innovative and sustainable port." Miranda highlighted "the importance of Puertos del Estado having supported the proposals that Port Huelva has presented for implementation next year, to continue to increase the volume of business as well as the improvement of infrastructures and services."


For his part, the President of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, he valued the fact that the investment plan is directed toward diversification, technological updating, the adaptation of capacities, and the improvement of the relations of the Port Authority with its surroundings, and highlighted the agreed reduction of 5.2% in the tax on merchandise in 2021, which will allow Port Huelva to improve its competitiveness in order to attract new traffic.


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