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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado and the Port Authority of A Coruña Make Progress on Options for the Transformation of Inner Port Land
Puertos del Estado and the Port Authority of A Coruña Make Progress on Options for the Transformation of Inner Port Land

Puertos del Estado and the Port Authority of A Coruña Make Progress on Options for the Transformation of Inner Port Land


  • The first meeting of the bilateral commission of both entities was held today to address the roadmap for the future of the urban quays.


27-01-2021 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda) Puertos del Estado and the Port Authority of A Coruña have begun talks with the goal of defining the most suitable alternatives for the future of A Coruña entity, in relation to the management of the land of the inner port freed up by the transfer of port activity.


For this purpose, the first meeting of the bilateral commission of the two organisations, comprised of the presidents of Puertos del Estado and the Port Authority along two other executives from each entity, was held this morning by telematic means.


At the meeting the heads of both organisations the roadmap for the development of the Batería and Calvo Sotelo quays, once they cease conducting port activity. The initial aim is to agree, along with the rest of the institutions involved, on the most appropriate formula for managing this process and the implications it would entail for each administration, and from there to define the most suitable uses for its integration into the city and the improvement of the urban quality of A Coruña. In relation, the solutions adopted in other Spanish ports that have adopted similar processes in recent years have been studied.


Linked to the transformation of the land, Puertos del Estado and the Port Authority have also addressed the financial situation of the A Coruña organisation, as a consequence of the construction and commissioning of the Outer Port.


Both institutions have agreed to the next meeting to be convened by the City Council, along with the rest of the administrations involved, to continue making progress in the definition and use of the urban quays.


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