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Skip Navigation · Home · The Governing Council of Puertos del Estado approves the dismissal of the Secretary General
The Governing Council of Puertos del Estado approves the dismissal of the Secretary General

The Governing Council of Puertos del Estado approves the dismissal of the Secretary General


06-03-2024 (State Ports Public Body). The Governing Council of Puertos del Estado has today approved the dismissal of the Secretary General of the public body, Álvaro Sánchez Manzanares.


The termination occurs due to loss of confidence in their work. Puertos del Estado has provided all the documentation and information requested by the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard (UCO) related to the contract for the purchase of masks in 2020, without any imputation of the people who participated in the processing of the aforementioned contract having led to the investigation.


In 2020, the Public Body Puertos del Estado proceeded with the emergency processing provided for in Royal Decree-Law 7/2020 for the acquisition of 8 million masks, for subsequent distribution to other bodies in the transport sector. The objective was for sectors considered essential for the Spanish economy to receive the necessary protection measures to continue with their crucial activity, both the supply of goods and the displacement of citizens due to major causes.


These contracts were audited by both the General State Comptroller and the Court of Auditors. However, Puertos del Estado will continue to collaborate as much as possible with all the bodies of the public authorities responsible for carrying out control and audit work.



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