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Skip Navigation · Home · Spanish ports seek to strengthen traffic with Latin America at the Intermodal Brazil fair
Spanish ports seek to strengthen traffic with Latin America at the Intermodal Brazil fair

The Intermodal South America fair will be held in Sao Paulo (Brazil) from 5 to 7 March


Spanish ports seek to strengthen traffic with Latin America at the Intermodal Brazil fair


  • Spanish ports moved more than 42.5 million tonnes with Latin America in 2023


05-03-2024 (Puertos del Estado Public Body). From today and until March 7, Puertos del Estado and 6 Port Authorities are participating in Intermodal South America, in the Spanish Pavilion coordinated by ICEX and the Spanish Commercial Office in Sao Paulo.


Puertos del Estado, together with the Port Authorities of Bahía de Algeciras, Barcelona, Castellón, Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Valencia, will present the competitive advantages of the state-owned port system to representatives of all the links in the supply chain at the leading Latin American trade fair in logistics and freight transport.


The aim is to capture and expand traffic between Europe and South America, which, during 2023, accounted for 42.5 million tonnes of goods. A large part of this exchange involved Brazil, a country with which Spanish ports moved more than 26.7 million tons, which reflects the importance of this fair.


Under the slogan "From our ports to any place you can imagine", the port system of general interest is presented as the ideal connection between continents, with a complete range of services and infrastructures: 340 kilometres of quays, nearly 100 million m2 of storage area, more than 600 cranes, connections with more than 200 ports around the world, and connections with the Trans-European Transport Networks, making Spanish ports the main logistics platform in southern Europe for the movement of goods.


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