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Skip Navigation · Home · Ports of general interest will invest 961.4 million euros in 2022
Ports of general interest will invest 961.4 million euros in 2022

After reaching a consensus on the Business Plans with the 28 Port Authorities

Ports of general interest will invest 961.4 million euros in 2022


  • The ports expect to earn 1,141 million euros in the next fiscal year.
  • The bonuses and modifications to the correction coefficients will result in savings of 128.9 million euros for users of the ports.



26-07-2021 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda). The president of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, has concluded a round of meetings with representatives of the 28 Port Authorities in order to set the main milestones for the coming years.


Toledo emphasized the innovation represented by the 2022 Business Plans, since "for the first time, indicators corresponding to the three dimensions (economic, environmental and social) are included, in line with the Strategic Framework which, given the importance of these issues for the port system, can be evaluated and taken into account to assess the objectives being achieved."


In these meetings, in which a consensus has been reached with all Port Authorities, the main figures that will make up the budgets for the period 2022-2025 have been drafted, most notably:

  • INVESTMENTS: Overall, investment in the 46 ports of general interest will amount to 961.4 million euros, which will represent an increase of 46.5% compared to the projected close in 2021.


In addition, through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, 457 million euros will be available to ports for decarbonization and sustainability projects, focusing mainly on new fuels such as hydrogen, liquefied gas or electricity. As well as accessibility projects, mainly oriented to land accessibility.


  • PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT: It is expected that net sales will amount to 1,141 million euros in 2022, an increase of 11% over the forecast for the close of 2021. Similarly, the expected profit for the fiscal year is 163.9 million euros, an increase of 66% compared to the 98.7 million euros at the close of the current fiscal year of 2021.

  • BONUSES AND CORRECTION COEFFICIENTS: The proposal of Puertos del Estado and the Port Authorities includes bonuses to the occupancy rate to boost the competitiveness of Spanish ports and their adaptation to international markets; bonuses to ship, cargo and passenger rates {5to encourage attracting, retaining and growing maritime traffic and services that contribute to the economic and social development of the ports' area of influence or of Spain as a whole, strengthening and consolidating Spain as an international logistics platform; and others for insularity, special isolation and ultraperipherality (ports of general interest located in the Balearic and Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla).


The total estimated combined impact for 2022 of these bonuses amounts to 119.77 million euros, a 7.12 % increase with respect to the estimate for 2021 (111.8 million euros).


Furthermore, for the coming year, given the efforts already undertaken in the past fiscal year, 21 Port Authorities will maintain the same correction coefficients as those approved for the year 2021. Of the remaining Port Authorities, two will increase their three coefficients, one will decrease its three coefficients, one will increase two coefficients and three will decrease a single correction coefficient.


At the consolidated level, the impact of the proposed changes to the correction coefficients will result in a reduction in revenues, por las tres tasas del 1,65 %, recaudándose down 9.1 million euros.



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