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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado and the Colegio de Caminos will promote the sustainability and safety of the port and logistics sector.
Puertos del Estado and the Colegio de Caminos will promote the sustainability and safety of the port and logistics sector.

Puertos del Estado and the Colegio de Caminos will promote the sustainability and safety of the port and logistics sector.


  • Both institutions sign a collaboration protocol that contemplates the possibility of the Colegio de Caminos carrying out works or reports at the request of Puertos del Estado

22-09-201 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda). The President of the Association of Civil Engineers, Miguel Ángel Carrillo, and the President of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, have signed a collaboration protocol by which both institutions are committed to collaborate in the promotion of competitiveness, efficiency, sustainability and safety of the port and logistics sector, as well as in the promotion of innovation and digital transformation and the best technical quality of port management and projects and works of the State ports.


According to the protocol, the Association of Engineers will be able to carry out works or reports regarding singular projects at the request of Puertos del Estado. It also establishes a collaboration framework for the recognition of the approval and supervision of projects and works in State ports.


In addition, the institutions will cooperate in the training of professionals in disciplines related to management, logistics, intermodality, sustainability, environmental protection, innovation and digital transformation in the port sector.




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