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Skip Navigation · Inicio · The Port Land Accessibility Financial Fund has projects underway for an amount of 1,626.6 million euros
The Port Land Accessibility Financial Fund has projects underway for an amount of 1,626.6 million euros

The Interport Compensation Fund Distribution Committee approves the Action Programme of the FFATP

The Port Land Accessibility Financial Fund has projects underway for an amount of 1,626.6 million euros


  • The Port Authorities of Ceuta and Melilla will receive 19.7 million euros in 2022 to alleviate the difficult financial situation they are facing.


18-07-2022 (Puertos del Estado Government Agency). The Distribution Committee of the Interport Compensation Fund, which met today online, has approved the update of the Programme of actions of the Financial Fund for Port Land Accessibility (FFATP) derived from the 2023 Business Plans. The actions financed by the FFATP amount to 884.4 million euros, to which must be added 627.6 million euros from other administrations and 114.6 million euros from Community funds. Thus, the total amount of actions carried out with public funds through the FFATP amounts to 1,626.6 million euros. The contributions, covering the period from 2014 to 2027 and beyond, represent an increase of 11% over the same contribution approved by the Committee in October 2021, with an annual amount of 158.3 million euros in the new 2023 budget.


At today's meeting the 'Actions on the railway line between the Port of Algeciras and San Roque freight station (studies and projects)' were approved: This brings the number of actions financed by the FFATP to 63, of which 92%, amounting to 811.1 million euros, correspond to rail (47 actions), and the remaining 8%, amounting to 73.3 million euros, to road (16 actions).


In addition, the Distribution Committee of the Interport Compensation Fund has approved the distribution of the Fund for 2022 and the proposal for 2023. Thus, in 2022, out of the 39.9 million euros to be distributed among the Port Authorities, 49.4%, i.e. 19.7 million euros will be allocated to the Port Authorities of Ceuta and Melilla, given the serious difficulties they have been going through in recent years with the closure of the borders and the cancellation of the maritime routes linking the peninsula with both cities. In 2023, a year in which a progressive stabilisation of strait traffic is expected, support for these enclaves will be maintained and the aforementioned Port Authorities of Ceuta and Melilla will receive 28.6% of the Fund to be distributed among the 28 Port Authorities.


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