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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado distributes its second batch of face masks within the maritime sector
Puertos del Estado distributes its second batch of face masks within the maritime sector

Puertos del Estado distributes its second batch of face masks within the maritime sector



  • This delivery of 840,000 units completes the 1.1 million assignment decreed in MITMA Order TMA/263/2020, of 20 March
  • Port authorities, SASEMAR and DGMM, in addition to essential port services, will receive the face masks over the next few days



04-13-2020 (Ministry of Transportation, Mobility & Urban Agenda). Today, Puertos del Estado has begun to distribute its second batch of face masks within the maritime sector, thus following orders received from the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility & Urban Agenda to increase employee safety and guarantee the continuity of essential services and logistics and distribution chains.


The President of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, has pointed out the "great complexity" involved in purchasing this healthcare material in an overwhelmed international market, "which has been possible due to our staff's dedication and commitment to proactively help fight COVID-19". The distribution of 840,000 units, which began today, will be received by the maritime sector over the next few days.


"With this second batch of 840,000 face masks we have completed the quota of 1.1 million units allocated to us in a ministerial order", he has affirmed, "to back up the day-to-day effort made by everyone in the maritime sector to enable a flow of cargo from the ports to supermarkets throughout the country, and commodities to ensure the operation of our companies and their product exports".


Order TMA/263/2020, of 20 March, regulating the acquisition and distribution of face masks by the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda, establishes the purchase of eight million face masks for all transportation sector staff, allowing them to continue their work whilst their health is duly protected.


Allocation by quotas is thus foreseen, assigning "1,128,000 to the public body Puertos del Estado and to the Port Authorities, for distribution amongst the maritime sector", to include the business public entity Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Marítima (SASEMAR) and the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy (DGMM).


As was the case in the last distribution, face masks will also be made available in essential services that guarantee the operability of general interest ports, to include stowage and pilotage.

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