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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado has drawn up a standard form and guide for the specific requirements of the port service used to collect ship-generated refuse and cargo waste
Puertos del Estado has drawn up a standard form and guide for the specific requirements of the port service used to collect ship-generated refuse and cargo waste

De la Encina welcomes representatives of the Spanish Association of MARPOL Agents (ANAM)

Puertos del Estado has drawn up a standard form and guide for the specific requirements of the port service used to collect ship-generated refuse and cargo waste


  • The guide and standard list of specific requirements will constitute a reference for the Port Authorities.


11-15-2019 (Ministry of Development). The president of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, along with the head of Exploitation, Leandro Melgar, welcomed Rubén Barros, Manuel Piedra and María Jesús Ocampos, representatives of the Executive Board of the ANAM Association, which brings together enterprises whose main activity is the collection and management of ship-generated waste, known as MARPOL. Of interest amongst the main issues raised by the Association were the tariffs paid by Port Authorities to providers of ship-generated refuse collection services.


De la Encina informed ANAM's representatives that Puertos del Estado has drawn up a guide and standard List of Specific Terms (PPP) for the port service used to collect ship-generated refuse and cargo waste, the aim of which is to serve as a reference and to assist Port Authorities when preparing the specific requirements of this service at their respective ports. Nevertheless, the president of Puertos del Estado clarified that each Port Authority is in charge of calculating the tariff structure deemed appropriate, and that Puertos del Estado has not recommended any specific tariff structure. The Association voiced its concern about the impact on costs of hazardous waste, given that its management entails a generalized increase in costs, they affirmed. In this regard, Puertos del Estado indicated that each Port Authority, when establishing its tariffs, should examine the impact of these costs and configure them in such a way as to avoid any negative impact on Port Authorities or providers.


The tariffs paid by Port Authorities to the provider, and the tariff structure, are an issue which, De La Encina recalled, is totally different from the tariff update principle. This update should be included in the List of Specific Terms. The standard List includes an update due to changes in reference indexes affecting service costs, and a tariff structure for their updating depending on the volume of refuse actually downloaded the previous year. This updating method affects all providers and does not make a difference between tariffs payable to providers for the volume managed by each provider the previous year; rather, the tariff amount payable is equally applied to all providers. When Lists are drawn up for each Port Authority, a specific analysis must be made of variable and fixed costs, in order to set these intervals; consequently, each individual case will adjust to the port's actual situation in order to avoid the update being potentially detrimental to the Port Authorities or providers.


Discussions were also held on the issue of refuse generated by ships covered by ANNEX VI of the MARPOL Agreement. This specifically included the potential problems raised by open-cycle (emission reduction system) scrubbers. These scrubbers allow ships to meet international regulations in vessel emission matters, using fuel containing more than 0.1% mass sulfur for moored and anchored ships at ports, or 0.5% for ships in territorial waters. The use of these open-cycle scrubbers is allowed by IMO to ensure that sulfur oxide emissions in vessel engines are reduced and, consequently, constitute an alternative means to reduce sulfur content in marine fuel.


The operating terms of these systems, as well as their inspection criteria, are regulated by different laws. Current regulations provide that "a ship operator must prove that its discharge of cleaning water has no significant negative impact or endangers human health or the environment". In this regard, Puertos del Estado announced that both nation-wide and internationally (EU and IMO), work is underway to determine the usage terms of open-cycle scrubbers and to guarantee at the same time that their discharge does not hinder the achievement of quality objectives established for port water mass, or constitutes a breach of regulations on priority substance discharge control.


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