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Skip Navigation · Home · ​Spanish ports will improve accessibility for the disabled following an agreement with CERMI
​Spanish ports will improve accessibility for the disabled following an agreement with CERMI

Spanish ports will improve accessibility for the disabled following an agreement with CERMI



  • Puertos del Estado will remove all kinds of barriers that prevent or hinder access to its goods and services.



11-06-2019 (Ministry of Development). The president of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, and the president of the Spanish Committee of Representatives for the Disabled (CERMI), Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno, have signed a General Action Protocol aimed at improving accessibility conditions in state-owned ports.


This protocol guarantees the accessibility of all areas open to the public, in state ports, following basic principles of non-discrimination and universal access, in the shortest time possible.


Both De la Encina and Pérez Bueno have undertaken to work together in generating overall awareness, both institutionally and socially, of the importance of self-sufficiency and the removal of all kinds of barriers that may prevent or hinder the full inclusion of the disabled, the exercise of their rights and regular access to community goods and services, in this case those offered by the State-Owned Port System.


The protocol represents a relevant milestone for both institutions, and for civil society, given that it means that CERMI and Puertos del Estado will actively collaborate in issues related to the accessibility of the disabled and technological innovation, which is able to clearly improve functional accessibility requirements in port facilities, all with an eminently practical approach.


This initiative is part of the Institutional Social Responsibility applied by Puertos del Estado, ultimately seeking to generate added value for civil society when fulfilling its duties and competences as the coordinator of ports belonging to the General Interest Port System, and when implementing governmental policy on the matter.


By signing this protocol, Puertos del Estado is taking one more step in its commitment to encourage the full and effective participation in society of the disabled, in equal conditions, particularly in relation to the general interest port system.


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