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  • Jefe del Gabinete de Prensa
    Emilio Gómez Fernández
    Tlf.: 91.5245517
  • Técnica del Gabinete de Prensa
    Elena Morales Sanz
    Tlef.: 91.5245517
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Para cumplir con la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales y con el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, General de Protección de Datos, le informamos de que sus datos han sido recabados por Puertos del Estado, siendo tratados por el mismo, en calidad de Responsable del Fichero, para proporcionar la información requerida por el usuario suscrito.

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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado has been digitising and making statistical information available to the public since 1958
Puertos del Estado has been digitising and making statistical information available to the public since 1958

The information will be available atísticas/Paginas/Resto-estadisticas.aspx

Puertos del Estado has been digitising and making statistical information available to the public since 1958


29-10-2018 (Ministry of Public Works). Puertos del Estado has completed the digitisation of the Port Yearbooks from 1958 to 1999 (managed from the former Directorate General for Ports and Maritime Signals under the old Ministry of Public Works and since 1993 by the Puertos del Estado Public Authority in the current Ministry of Public Works). The information, which will be available at the Puertos del Estado website, has been scanned and optimised in PDF format, taking advantage of the individualised review of each Yearbook and it is now provided in the Statistical yearbooks section.


An application was developed in 2011 that speeds up queries and a link was added to the Yearbooks in 2014 to download Excel spreadsheets, so that anyone can work with that information.


It is easy to use: select the decade of the year you want to query in the drop-down menu and this will show the shortcuts to each Yearbook of that decade.


Consequently, researchers, public bodies, private companies and ordinary citizens can access valuable information for managing and gaining knowledge about our ports, and the fact that these are the original documents makes them exceptionally reliable.


Once this project has been completed, the possibility of offering the information from recent years in a database also accessible via the website to generate specific queries at the user's discretion will be studied in the medium term.


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