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Skip Navigation · Home · 9 Commercial Projects to Receive 4 Million Euros in Grants from the Ports 4.0 Fund
9 Commercial Projects to Receive 4 Million Euros in Grants from the Ports 4.0 Fund

9 Commercial Projects to Receive 4 Million Euros in Grants from the Ports 4.0 Fund


  • Francisco Toledo: The degree of involvement of the Port Authorities and the Port Community and the quality of the projects presented is commendable.


10-06-2021 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda) The Compensation Fund Distribution Committee has met telematically and has unanimously approved the provisional resolution to subsidize 9 projects with a total of 3,969,955 euros.

The president of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, acknowledged the high level of the proposals and thanked the Port Authorities and the companies of the Port Community for their involvement in the projects: "the quality of the projects is very high, unfortunately there are very interesting projects that have been excluded due to budgetary limitations. Taking into account the success of the Ports 4.0 Fund, we are going to launch a new call for proposals in September."

Of the 520 proposals submitted in this first call, 245 applications corresponded to the Projects criteria, 79 of which corresponded to Commercial Projects, of which 65 were accepted.

Of the 9 projects selected, 2 are based on artificial intelligence, 2 on sensorisation, 2 on information and communication technologies, and the remaining three are based on drones, wave energy and passive cooling. With regard to the areas of development, 4 of the projects are aimed at logistical efficiency in the field of infrastructure, operational or presentation of services, 2 at environmental sustainability and energy; and the remaining three at digitalisation of processes and intelligent platforms, safety and security and, finally, innovative processes with an impact on the tourism sector.

Moreover, the Compensation Fund Distribution Committee has definitively approved the grants awarded in the ideas section on 8 April, as no objections were received.

As will be recalled, 33 ideas received a total of 500,000 euros in grants from the Ports 4.0 Fund, of which 5 corresponded to the intra-entrepreneurship type and 28 to the general type.

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