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Skip Navigation · Home · De la Encina meets with the ANESCO executive committee
De la Encina meets with the ANESCO executive committee

Salvador de la Encina: "Too much is in play with dock cargo handling in Spain to be making electoral calculations. It is not just the stevedores, but a problem that can fracture the logistics chains, and their jobs and investments throughout the country"

De la Encina meets with the ANESCO executive committee


  • The executive committee of the business association has analyzed the new Royal Decree Law regulating dock cargo handling, together with the President of Puertos del Estado.
  • Pedro García: "The approval of the RDL 9/2019 improves the legal certainty of the sector, contributes to the increase of competitiveness of the ports and favors the stability of labor relations"



04-02-2019 (Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport). The President of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, participated in the meeting held by the executive committee of the National Association of Stevedore Companies (ANESCO). During the meeting, the members of the stevedore company business association expressed the main concerns of the port terminals to improve the competitiveness of the ports. Along with them, the details of the new Royal Decree Law 9/2019 approved by the Council of Ministers on 29 March have been analyzed.


The President of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, said that "Too much is in play with dock cargo handling in Spain to be making electoral calculations. It is not just the stevedores, but a problem that can fracture the logistic chains of our country and cause job losses and less in investment in ports, but in equal measure inland. Goods that are not unloaded or loaded in a port in a timely manner become a loss. The parliamentary groups have to show that they are up to standard, as they already did unanimously with the PNL, and grant legal certainty to dock cargo handling and the workers and companies that depend on it in all Spain".


Meanwhile, the general secretary of ANESCO, Pedro García, stressed the importance of this new RDL that complements and implements RDL 8/2017, and requested all parliamentary groups to "support the validation of this Royal Decree Law in the Standing Committee". In this regard, Garcia thanked "the Government, all political parties, the European Commission and the most representative trade unions in the sector for their work and capacity for dialog."


Finally, ANESCO has offered the President of Puertos del Estado its full collaboration to face the new challenges of the Spanish port sector. An industrial sector that is key to the country's economy because 90% of exports and 60% of Spanish imports are implemented through ports and the value of these goods represents 35% of Spanish GDP. Approximately, 65% of these goods require dock cargo handling services.




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