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Skip Navigation · Home · De la Encina addresses the new pilotage PPPs with the harbor pilots
De la Encina addresses the new pilotage PPPs with the harbor pilots

Cádiz to host the Harbor Pilots Congress on May 3rd


De la Encina addresses the new pilotage PPPs with the harbor pilots


  • The draft for Pilotage and Mooring models will be worked on with AAPPs, providers, users and DGMMs in mid-May  



04-25-2019 (Ministry of Civil Works). The President of Puertos del Estado, Salvador de la Encina, held an intense meeting with the President and Manager of the National Harbor Pilots College, Joan Roig and Joaquín Monedero respectively, and with the President of the Spanish Harbor Pilot Federation, Juan Pedro Morales.  The College's legal adviser, Manuel Dapena, and Operations Manager, Leandro Melgar, also attended the meeting.


De la Encina explained the progress made in preparing the Special Instructions Sheets (PPP in Spanish) models for harbor services, one of his presidency's goals.


In this regard, he reported that a first meeting with the harbor authorities (AAPP in Spanish) was held this week on Pilotage and Mooring sheets models, so once his contributions are incorporated, another meeting will be called mid-May to work on that model draft with the provider's association, the users and the Directorate General of the Merchant Marine (DGMM) .


The opportunity to undertake certain modifications on the Consolidated State Harbors and Merchant Marine Law (TRLPEMM in Spanish) was also discussed, such as establishing a new public service obligation for harbor service availability. 


That obligation would allow the option to establish a fee that could remedy the pilotage and towage services economic viability problems in those cases in which the rate of use is very low, but the obligation to maintain those services available still exists. 


The intended objective would be to adapt the consolidated law to incorporate the service availability for all users equally, as an element to be guaranteed for public service obligations, and to establish the option for that availability to be subject to economic compensation by the users who don't currently use the service, but may potentially.


Lastly, the sector representatives took advantage of the opportunity to invite President De la Encina to the Harbor Pilots Congress that will take place in Cádiz on May 31st.


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