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Skip Navigation · Home · "The future Strategic Framework will be oriented to the new port reality"
"The future Strategic Framework will be oriented to the new port reality"

Ornella Chacón closes the 13th Labor Relations and Human Resources Technical Conference

"The future Strategic Framework will be oriented to the new port reality"


  • Puerto del Rosario hosts the port system's Labor Relations and Human Resources Conference
  • The project of the 3rd Collective Agreement of Puertos del Estado and the Port Authorities leads the debates


11/30/2018 (Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport). The President of Puertos del Estado, Ornella Chacón, accompanied by Salvador Capella, Director of the Port Authority of Las Palmas, and Marcial Morales Martín, President of the Fuerteventura Island Government; closed the 13th Labor Relations and Human Resources Technical Conference that was held at Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura) over two days.


In her closing speech, Ornella Chacón highlighted the necessary balance between business and society, for which the ports are making efforts aimed at improving adaptability and accessibility, energy efficiency, corporate social responsibility, etc. and, in terms of our internal environment, we must focus on improving equality, access and promotion in public employment, protection and family reconciliation.


In order to carry out these objectives, according to Chacón, we are working in different directions in which the participation of all ports is fundamental. An example of this is the renewal of the "Strategic Framework", a fundamental element to guide all fields of action towards this new port reality, as well as training and education in new knowledge needed in port operations.


Likewise, the President of Puertos del Estado concluded, the same project of the 3rd Collective Agreement (which was been a fundamental element of discussion during these days), aims to be a facilitator in improving the port as a "responsible company" and exemplary in its scope of influence (an example of this, among others, is the presence of working women in jobs traditionally held by men in the Port Authorities that, although still low, already boasts 18.8% women).


During the first session of the Conference, various aspects related to the project of the 3rd Collective Agreement of Puertos del Estado and the Port Authorities. In the second session, after the presentation "Data protection in relation to employment contracts" presented by José Miguel Llamas Bravo de Laguna, a discussion was held in a round table on the outlook of collective bargaining and points of interest in the field of HR in Public Administrations as the public-private dual leadership of the PAs as employers; the evaluation of generic competences; the impact of the 35 h/wk on the 3rd Collective Agreement; reflections on the New F.C. Framework for Action and the Port Police duties in the 3rd Collective Agreement.


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