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Skip Navigation · Home · Ábalos reiterates that safety, environmental sustainability and innovation are the pillars of the Mobility Strategy of the Ministry of Development
Ábalos reiterates that safety, environmental sustainability and innovation are the pillars of the Mobility Strategy of the Ministry of Development

World Marine Aids to Navigation Day in the Balearic Islands

Ábalos reiterates that safety, environmental sustainability and innovation are the pillars of the Mobility Strategy of the Ministry of Development

  • Aid to marine navigation and, in general, to all transport, are linked to the development of technology and are immersed in a constant process of evolution.
  • The minister recalled that "we are committed to initiatives that incorporate digitalization for intelligent mobility in all modes of transport".
  • The Day has served to pay tribute to the Lighthouses and the Technicians of Marine Signals, the body of professionals who continue with the legacy of the lighthouse keepers.

Madrid, July 1, 2019 (Ministry of Development).

The acting Minister of Development, José Luis Ábalos, in his speech on the World Marine Aids to Navigation Day, held in Palma de Mallorca, reiterated that safety, environmental sustainability and innovation are the pillars of the Mobility Strategy of the Ministry of Development.

This meeting, which aims to show society the importance and service provided by aid to marine navigation in terms of safety, is also "a decisive tool in environmental matters for the preservation of the marine environment," said the minister.

The minister recalled that "we are committed to initiatives that incorporate digitalization for intelligent mobility in all modes of transport".

Aid to marine navigation as in all transport aids, are linked to the development of technology and, therefore, are immersed in a constant process of evolution.

"We know that maritime navigation will evolve under two new paradigms: E-Navigation and Ports 4.0, where unmanned vessels will be a new mode of navigation", stressed the Minister.

Day of Lighthouses

The event served to pay tribute to the Lighthouses and the Technicians of Marine Signals, the body of professionals who continue with the legacy of the lighthouse keepers. It is also to show that, like all the instruments that guarantee transport safety, marine aid is also in full technological evolution.

"The traditional lighthouses and port lights already have advanced reinforcement systems such as satellite navigation using GPS," said the minister, adding that "the lighthouses continue to be a decisive tool for safe and efficient navigation in the vicinity of the coasts. They have an unquestionable social value, in addition to being our historical-technical legacy".

In Spain, our system has 4,122 navigation aids, of which 1,916 are managed by the 28 Port Authorities that cover our coasts, including 187 lighthouses.


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