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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado joins the signing of the protocol between Mitma and the Business Network for Diversity and LGBTI Inclusion
Puertos del Estado joins the signing of the protocol between Mitma and the Business Network for Diversity and LGBTI Inclusion

This afternoon, at the Department headquarters

Ábalos has stated that all institutions must guarantee the fight for citizens' civil rights 

  • A protocol has been signed between Mitma, its entities and dependent companies and the Business Network for Diversity and LGBTI Inclusion.
  • The signed agreement advocates awareness of the LGBTI community in the job market, as political and social progress.
  • The Minister has affirmed that helping increase the visibility of LGBTI workers not only improves their situation but also constitutes added value for everybody.

Madrid, 29 June 2020 (Mitma). The Minister of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda, José Luis Ábalos, has stated that all institutions must guarantee the right for citizens' civil rights, as part of his speech following signature of a protocol between the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Adif, Adif-AV, AENA SME S.A., ENAIRE, INECO, Puertos del Estado, Renfe Operadora and the Business Network for Diversity and LGBTI Inclusion.

The signed protocol seeks to promote the diversity and inclusion of the LGBTI community in the State Public Sector and to generate awareness and an adequate climate for its execution amongst employees of the Ministry of Transportation, Mobility and Urban Agenda, and its entities and dependent companies.

The Minister has affirmed that in a scenario such as the present one, where the rights achieved by social groups such as the LGTBI community are being disputed with increasing vehemence, it is necessary to move forward towards defending and consolidating these rights.

Ábalos has declared that there is no turning back in civil rights matters and that the only way is forward. An example is the step taken today by his Department, to achieve better prospects for all, in the conviction that the fight against discrimination and towards visibility of the LGBTI community should be one more aim of Spanish society, along with the fight for equality between men and women or the fight against gender violence.

Consequently, the Minister has indicated that the signed agreement represents a step forward, through which public companies ascribed to the Mitma group are advocating visibility of the LGBTI community in the work place as political and social progress.

More and more companies are becoming aware that diversity in their human resources is enriching and helps innovation and decision-making in a more competitive manner, as Ábalos has affirmed.

LGBTI visibility at work

The head of the Department has affirmed that if greater visibility is given to LGBTI workers not only is their individual situation improved, but added benefit and value is generated for everyone.

Furthermore, he has stated his wish for all Mitma employees to be happy in their own skin, and comfortable in their working surroundings, which is why he has promoted this agreement.

Along with Ábalos, this protocol was also signed today by the president of Adif, Isabel Pardo de Vera, the president of Aena, Mauricio Lucena, the CEO of Enaire, Ángel Luis Arias, the president of Puertos del Estado, Francisco Toledo, the president of Ineco, Carmen Librero, the president of REDI, Miguel Castro Paza, and the vice-president of REDI, Eva Pérez Nanclares.

REDI (Business Network for Diversity and LGBTI Inclusion) is a non-profit organization of enterprises and professionals who jointly seek to encourage an inclusive and respectful climate at their organizations, where talent is valued irrespective of identity, gender or sexual preference.

At present, REDI consists of more than 85 enterprises in many different sectors, to include large companies such as Airbus, Amadeus, BBVA, Correos, Inditex, Repsol, Telefónica, P&G and Banco Santander, amongst others, and also receives support from the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE). REDI's main objectives include training and assistance to enterprises when handling diversity matters and a greater inclusion of LGBTI workers.



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