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Skip Navigation · Home · Spanish ports are in Berlin to offer the best alternatives in the import/export of fruit and vegetable products
Spanish ports are in Berlin to offer the best alternatives in the import/export of fruit and vegetable products

Spanish ports moved more than 10 million tons of fruit and vegetable products in 2017

Spanish ports are in Berlin to offer the best alternatives in the import/export of fruit and vegetable products


  • Nine Port Authorities gathered at the "Ports of Spain" stand to provide a comprehensive logistics offer.
  • Importation/exportation of fruit, vegetables and pulses increased by 3%, reaching 5.4 million tons.


07-02-2018 (Ministry of Public Works). Spanish ports are attending the Fruit Logistica Fair in Berlin, offering an impressive range of products and services aimed at the fresh fruit and vegetable market. At the "Ports of Spain" stand, and under the slogan "CONNECTING THE WORLD TO FRESH FOOD", nine Port Authorities (Almeria, Bay of Algeciras, Bilbao, Castellón, Huelva, Las Palmas, Motril, S.C. Tenerife and Valencia) are offering 85 million m2 in land surface and storage areas, refrigerated warehouses with a capacity of close to 2 million m3, more than 300,000 linear metres for berthing, connections with any port in the world, border inspection posts (BIPs), phytosanitary services, and all kinds of logistics solutions.


Spanish ports are the perfect place to import and export fruit and vegetable products as close to 85% of imports and 60% of Spanish exports are carried out through our ports.


According to provisional figures, the public port system moved 545 million tons in 2017, of which 10.1 million were fruit, vegetables and pulses, amounting to an increase of 9.7% on the previous year. Of this quantity, 5.4 million tons (54%) corresponded to import-export traffic, a figure that makes Spain one of the leading countries in supplying this type of produce to the rest of Europe.


The increase in this type of goods is largely related to the strengthening of maritime cabotage lines with European countries, which represent almost 93% of Spanish exports, and with the African countries located along the Mediterranean, which also favours an increase in intermodality.


It is worth mentioning that Spain, given its strategic geographical location, has become the gateway to Europe for imports of fruit from third countries. In this regard, the existence of an extensive network of reefer connections at port terminals, as well as refrigerated storage companies at ports and in the logistical areas associated with them, allows for a bright future outlook. The main association for the refrigerated sector, Aldefe, has stated that the occupancy index of almost 3 million m3 of its associates was over 80%. This sector billed more than €177 million in 2016.


The last report published by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations declared Spain the leading exporter of fruit and vegetables in Europe. As such, according to the latest data released by the Spanish Federation for Fruit and Vegetable Export Producers (FEPEX), the value of Spanish exports in fresh fruit and vegetables in 2016 totalled 12.486 billion, and 92.6% was destined for a country within the European Union. The goods exported (produced nationally) and those that moved through Spanish ports in transit (coming from third countries) totalled 6.5 million tons.


In short, Fruit Logistica presents an excellent chance to establish contact with the main suppliers in this market and continue to maintain the country's position as the world's leading fruit and vegetable exporter.


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