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Skip Navigation · Home · Conference on managing infrastructure maintenance
Conference on managing infrastructure maintenance

Puertos del Estado and the Port Authorities share knowledge and experiences

Conference on managing infrastructure maintenance


  • Ornella Chacón: "Our future efforts will focus on preserving the infrastructure we have already created so as to ensure that it remains in optimal operating condition over its entire useful life".
  • Presentation of the "Guide on how to repair concrete structures in marine environments"


23-01-2019 (Ministry of Public Works). Upwards of 100 professionals from the Port Authorities and other realms of port activity attended a conference held yesterday (January 22) by Puertos del Estado on how best to draw up the port infrastructure maintenance plans. The event also included a presentation of the "Guide on how to repair concrete structures in marine environments".

This initiative is part of the public entity's drive and commitment to addressing the maintenance and protection of our assets, which is viewed as the most important step in introducing a level 1 objective into the Business Plans of the Port Authorities. The aim this year is to draw up and put into practice a maintenance management plan at all ports of general interest.

During her opening speech, Ornella Chacón, President of Puertos del Estado, stressed that following an investment cycle over the last ten years that has focused on the "sea side", our efforts should now turn to the protection and maintenance of our existing infrastructure so as to ensure that it remains in optimal operating condition over its entire useful life. With this in mind, we must develop and shape the technical aspects of this work. This type of conference provides an extraordinary opportunity to transfer and exchange knowledge on the matter.

In addition to a general presentation given by Álvaro Rodríguez, Director of Planning and Development at Puertos del Estado, and Manuel Arana, Deputy Director of Planning and Infrastructures, the event included talks and discussions on the experiences of the Port Authorities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the Balearic Islands and Barcelona.

The conference ended with a presentation of the "Guide on how to repair concrete structures in marine environments", which is directly related to the maintenance and management of port infrastructure. This document has been drawn up by an ad-hoc working group set up within the Technical Association of Ports and Coastlines (ATPYC). The association is a national benchmark and reference point for technical aspects related to engineering and port and coast management. The documents is publishes on this subject are therefore of immense value to the sector and can be applied directly.

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