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Puertos del Estado receives the representatives of PIPE

Puertos del Estado receives the representatives of PIPE

04-03-2019 (Ministry of Public Works). The Puertos del Estado management team, headed by its Secretary General, Álvaro Sánchez Manzanares, and the Planning and Operation managers, Álvaro Rodríguez and Leandro Melgar, have received the representatives of PIPE (Spanish Ports Investor Platform), an association that integrates the most significant business groups in the port sector, to review the points of greatest interest to both.

During the meeting reflections were shared regarding the Spanish Port System and its Strategic Framework, in order to contribute to improving the competitiveness of the Spanish port system and, therefore, the development of the Spanish economy.

In this regard, PIPE has transmitted to Puertos del Estado its two main lines of action: One, in the medium term, regarding the need to review the current port model and the second, more immediate, regarding reducing occupancy rates, for its positive effect on the real economy.

Finally, regarding the necessary transposition of EU Regulation 2017, the Investor Platform has stated that it shares Puertos del Estado's approach in the sense of adjusting to the Commission's requirements and complying with the European Courts' judgement.


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