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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado wishes the port system a Merry Christmas and fosters collaboration with the World Food Programme
Puertos del Estado wishes the port system a Merry Christmas and fosters collaboration with the World Food Programme

Puertos del Estado wishes the port system a Merry Christmas and fosters collaboration with the World Food Programme


  • Port of Las Palmas, the World Food Programme's logistics base


26/12/2018 (Ministry of Public Works). Puertos del Estado wishes the port system a Merry Christmas and fosters collaboration with the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) by sending a Christmas greeting through which you can access the donations page


The Christmas greeting refers to the "great port family", made up of 5,000 public employees and nearly 100,000 workers who provide specialized services in companies located in ports, and our commitment to contribute to improving other people's lives.


Port of Las Palmas hosts a WFP logistics base that manages the transshipment and pre-positioning of food and other humanitarian supplies for the operations of this leading agency in the fight against hunger. It is expected that in January 2019 the WFP's activity in Las Palmas will reach the figure of 500,000 tons transshipped since it began operating in 2012.


The regions of West Africa and the Sahel are the main recipients of food from the WFP base in Las Palmas. The services of this logistics base are also requested from Central America and the Caribbean, and it meets the needs of other regions if necessary.


WFP has the logistics base of Las Palmas thanks to an agreement between this international organization, Puertos del Estado and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. Meanwhile, the Inter-island Council of Gran Canaria supports the base's work through ceding the use of a ship. Altogether, WFP has three ships in Port of Las Palmas.


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