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Skip Navigation · Home · ​ Puertos del Estado and the A Coruña Port Authority reach an agreement on its 2020 business plan
​ Puertos del Estado and the A Coruña Port Authority reach an agreement on its 2020 business plan

Puertos del Estado and the A Coruña Port Authority reach an agreement on its 2020 business plan


  • Puertos del Estado will hold conversations with ADIF in order to move forward in constructing the Langosteira railway access point

10-03-2019 (Ministry of Development). This morning, Puertos del Estado and the A Coruña Port Authority have reached an agreement on the authority's Business Plan for 2020, at a meeting held in Madrid, which was attended by the presidents of both institutions, Enrique Losada and Salvador de la Encina.


The investment plan agreed includes measures valued at 31 million Euros. With respect to the Outer Harbor, the largest amounts refer to the completion of works in the new wharf, 350 meters long, as well as the fitting-out that is necessary for its commissioning in 2020, preparing the land esplanade and all service and supply networks.


With the start-up of this new section, a berthing line 1,550 meters long has been laid out in order to cover operator demand and allow the entry of new concessions.


Other investments foreseen in Punta Langosteira refer to inland roads, equipment, water supply and sanitation facilities, security and energy efficiency, following a multi-year schedule that is being planned and executed to complete inner harbor facilities, in line with its growth and the needs of its user companies.


The president of Puertos del Estado has stated that he will take all the necessary steps with Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) in order to move forward in construction of the railway access point to the Outer Harbor, which is essential in order to finalize its effectiveness and ability to attract potential investors.


As regards the inner harbor, budgetary items have been assigned to renovate wharf walls, to strengthen the seawall and to transform the Batería and Calvo Sotelo docks for the berthing of cruise ships (basically paving work), given that it is standard for passenger ships to be accommodated when making calls, twice or three times, at the port.


In turn, the president of the A Coruña Port Authority has highlighted the importance of moving towards finding a solution for the institution's debt, taken out to construct and commission the Punta Langosteira infrastructure.



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