Mapas Previsión y Tiempo Real
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Skip Navigation · Home · Puertos del Estado makes available to the citizen a service for consultation of the service areas of the ports on digital maps
Puertos del Estado makes available to the citizen a service for consultation of the service areas of the ports on digital maps

Puertos del Estado makes available to the citizen a service for consultation of the service areas of the ports on digital maps


  • Francisco Toledo: this new service is a further step towards the goal of digitalization, innovation and transparency that Spanish ports have undertaken.

18-02-2021 (Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda) Puertos del Estado, in collaboration with the Port Authorities and the National Geographic Information Centre (CNIG), has launched a public service for consultation of the service areas of ports of general interest of the State through digital maps. The new service available to public administrations and citizens can be consulted in any Geographical Information System or web viewer, such as the Iberpix viewer of the National Geographical Institute, through the following URL connection:

Francisco Toledo, president of Puertos del Estado, said that "this new service is a further step towards the goal of digitalization, innovation and transparency that ports have undertaken." In this sense, one of the strategic lines collected in the new Strategic Framework of the Port System, whose approval will take place in the near future, is the management as well as the agile and advanced management of the port public domain through the use of geographic information systems.

With the new service, both Public Administrations and the general public will be able to obtain up-to-date information on the service areas of the ports of general interest of the State, both the land service area (PortArea) and the water area (FairWay).

This web map service (WMS), which generates data maps that are spatially-referenced, dynamically based on geographical information, responds to the requirements of the Inspire Directive (Infrastructure for Spatial information in Europe) and its transposition into Spanish law through Law 14/2010, of 5 July, on infrastructures and geographic information services in Spain (LISIGE). In addition, it is included in the SDIS catalogue (Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain), in the OCDSI (Official Catalogue of Data and Services INSPIRE) of MITMA, also in the Geoportal of the European Commission.


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