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Skip Navigation · Home · Agree on a service charter for collaboration in planning, coordination and control of maritime traffic and the fight against pollution
Agree on a service charter for collaboration in planning, coordination and control of maritime traffic and the fight against pollution

Maritime Rescue and Ports of the State

Agree on a service charter for collaboration in planning, coordination and control of maritime traffic and the fight against pollution

  • The service charter includes advice on protection, coordination and response to marine pollution episodes in emergency situations, as well as maritime traffic control services in the port.
  • After signing this agreement, each Port Authority will procure any necessary services from Maritime Rescue.

Almería, 12 May, 2022 (Mitma)

The Maritime Rescue and Safety Society and the Ports of the State Public Body, both under the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, have signed today in Almería the addendum to the Framework Agreement for collaboration between the Port Authorities and Maritime Rescue to streamline procurement services related to the management, coordination and control of port maritime traffic, as well as to provide advice on protection, coordination and response to marine pollution events in emergency situations.

The President of Maritime Rescue and General Director of the Merchant Navy, Benito Núñez Quintanilla, and the President of Ports of the State, Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, signed this morning the addendum to the collaboration Framework Agreement, at the headquarters of the Port Authority of Almería.

The objective of this agreement, with an initial duration of 4 years, automatically renewable for successive periods of 2 years, is to  harmonise the procurement conditions between the Port Authorities and Maritime Rescue, for maximum efficiency in the provision of services, with high quality and safety standards.

The service charter includes advice on protection, coordination and response to marine pollution episodes in emergency situations, as well as maritime traffic control services in the port.

In addition, Ports of the State undertakes to promote and strengthen collaboration between Maritime Rescue and the Port Authorities in the fight against accidental marine pollution.

Each Port Authority will, independently, sign contracts with Maritime Rescue and may decide whether to include the entire portfolio of services proposed or only advisory and support work in anti-pollution operations. The Port Authority of Almería will be one of the first to sign the contract, in accordance with the new addendum.

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