For the purpose of informing all the interested parties of the port sector, we are making public, for each Port Authority, the list of settlements paid until now for final judgments annulling the T-3 due as a result of the declaration of unconstitutionality of its nature as a private price during the applicability of Act 27/1992 in its original form, with a mention of the judgment originating the payment, the number of settlements annulled, the amounts and the dates of payment, as well as the identification of the appellants that have received the amounts paid.
Insofar as amounts continue to be paid in the future in this respect, we will update the accompanying list.
It should be stressed that there may be differences due to typographical errors in the transcription of data, as well as in the rounding of decimal places.
The amounts updated since the last version are highlighted in blue.
Updated June 30, 2018