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Skip Navigation · Home · Spanish ports present themselves as a bridge between continents
Spanish ports present themselves as a bridge between continents

The "Ports of Spain" stand concentrates the Spanish port offer at the Transport Logistic trade fair in Munich

Spanish ports present themselves as a bridge between continents


  • More than 144 million tonnes of goods in transit passed through Spanish ports in 2022.


09-05-2023 (Spanish State Ports Public Body). 16 Spanish Port Authorities (A Coruña, Almería, Bahía de Algeciras, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cartagena, Castellón, Ferrol-San Cibrao, Huelva, Motril, Santander, Seville, S.C. Tenerife, Tarragona, Valencia and Vigo) will be present at the largest logistics fair in Europe, Transport Logistic, which will be held in the German city of Munich from 9 to 12 May.


The unbeatable geographical position of the Spanish ports of general interest on the main North-South and East-West maritime routes allows them to present themselves as the best connection between continents. Thus, of the more than 563 million tonnes moved by the 28 Spanish Port Authorities as a whole in 2022, more than 26% (144.4 million tonnes) were in transit, i.e. goods coming from third countries and which used a Spanish port as a stopover before reaching their final destination.


In fact, the 16 Spanish Port Authorities present at the "Ports of Spain" stand, coordinated by Puertos del Estado, accounted for nearly 90% of the goods in transit passing through Spanish ports in 2022.


With 383,525 linear metres of quays and 98.4 million square metres of land surface and storage areas, served by nearly 700 cranes, the offer of Spanish ports is completed by countless services provided by other Administrations (Border Inspection Points, Sanitary Inspection, Customs...) and by concessioned companies, so that the reception/shipment of any type of goods to destinations all over the world is carried out in an agile and efficient manner.


About Transport Logistic Munich


The Transport Logistic trade fair has a long tradition in the European logistics context. It has been held every two years since 1978, and its latest figures attest to its relevance. More than 2,374 exhibitors from 63 countries, 64,000 visitors from 125 countries, complemented by a programme of 200 lectures and presentations.


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