Environmental quality improvement initiatives

Contributing to air quality
We reduce diffuse emissions generated during the handling of solid and liquid bulk cargo and the stay of ships in the port. By 2030, the goal is zero regulatory breaches and zero complaints regarding poor air quality.

Contributing to water and sediment quality
We reduce water and sediment pollution in docks, caused by diffuse discharges from port operations or runoff in operational areas. Our goal is to achieve good ecological potential without generating dredged materials that require confinement.

Limiting the acoustic impact of port activities
We reduce the acoustic impact of port activities on the urban environment. In this way, we aim to achieve zero non-compliances related to noise and complete Noise Maps and Acoustic Action Plans before 2030.
ISO Environmental Management
To achieve proper integration of environmental sustainability in management, the Port Authorities are implementing and certifying ISO 14001 and EMAS Environmental Management Systems, which enable continuous review and improvement processes.
Level of implementation of environmental management
systems (ISO 14001 and EMAS) in Port Authorities, 2021

Air quality

Bulk cargo
We reduce emissions from the handling of solid and liquid bulk cargo and from the stay of ships in the port.

Administrative regulation
We promote facilities and equipment that minimize emissions.

Operational procedures
- Instructions for the proper handling of solid bulk cargo loading and unloading equipment and cleaning of work surfaces.
- Supervision of operations by port police.
- Monitoring of air quality parameters.
- Regulation of operations based on wind speed and direction.
- Windbreak screens in common-use areas.
- Wheel washing equipment at exits of operational areas.
- Mist turbines in common-use areas.
- Shore power connection for ships.

Water quality

Reduction of pollution and sediment
The goal is to achieve good ecological potential of the port’s water and sediments, without generating dredged materials that require confinement.

Administrative regulation
The conditions for granting concessions and licenses favor facilities, handling equipment, and operations that ensure proper treatment of wastewater and rainwater, as well as the prevention of diffuse discharges.

Operational regulation
Operational conditions in Environmental Standards and Management Instructions are aimed at reducing diffuse discharges during cargo handling and maintenance tasks for machinery or stranded vessels.

Acoustic impact

Control and monitoring
- Development of noise maps.
- Measurement campaigns.

- Reorganization of activities and traffic flow.
- Limitation of nighttime activities.
- Speed restrictions.

- Improvement of sound-absorbing pavements and asphalts.
- Installation of acoustic barriers.
- Installation of Onshore Power Supply (OPS) systems for providing electrical power to docked ships.