Our strategic lines
Environmentally sustainable ports

Due Diligence in Environmental Management
We implement and standardize Environmental Management Systems (EMS) across all Port Authorities. We ensure that all environmental objectives are integrated into their management instruments.

Enhancing Environmental Quality of Ports
We develop initiatives that reduce the impact of port activities on air quality, water, sediments, soil and acoustics. We conduct a detailed characterization of the natural environment.

Achieving Eco-efficient Ports
We improve the efficiency of water and energy use through circular economy policies. We optimize the management and treatment of wastewater and runoff.
Eco-proactive ports

Encouraging eco-sustainable mobility
We contribute to the reduction of external costs through eco-incentive schemes, based on the environmental performance of transport operators operating in the ports.

Contributing to climate change mitigation
We implement energy efficiency and renewable self-consumption policies in the port. We achieve this by promoting the use of carbon-neutral fuels in the port and throughout the transportation chains.

Contributing to climate change adaptation
We assess the vulnerability of port infrastructure and operations to adverse climate events, using climate models based on IPCC reports. We define measures within planning and management instruments.
Management instruments

Master plans and port use delimitations
These port planning tools enable the progressive development and reorganization of the port's layout in the medium and long term. They undergo strategic environmental assessment, which requires them to include solutions that minimize the environmental impact of construction projects, as well as the impact of future planned activities.

Administrative regulation
The conditions for granting concessions and the regulatory frameworks for port services favor facilities, handling equipment and operations that minimize the environmental impacts of activities.

Business and investment plans
These plans regulate short- and medium-term planning. They establish and approve:
- Environmental sustainability objectives and indicators, which are monitored.
- Investment in shared equipment aimed at controlling and mitigating the environmental impacts of operations.

Operational regulation
Through Port Ordinances and Management Instructions, operational conditions are defined to prevent and control the environmental aspects of port activities.

Operational control
The Port Police Service supervises the proper compliance with the operational conditions established in administrative regulation instruments (service provision or concession titles) and operational regulation (ordinances and management instructions).

Incentive for good environmental practices
Activity fee discounts are provided for concessions or cargo handling companies when:
- They have an EMS certification according to ISO 14001.
- They have signed a good practices agreement with the Port Authority based on the good practices guidelines of Puertos del Estado.

Green purchasing
Acquisitions may include carbon-neutral recycled steels, biopotentiating structures, low-carbon footprint cements and fill materials with recycled aggregates.
Implementation and monitoring model for sustainability objectives and indicators
1. Planning
Definition of strategic lines and objectives established in the Strategic Framework
De planificar a hacer
2. Doing
Execution through management instruments (business and investment plans, service and concession regulations, contracting of works).
Gráfico del modelo

4. Adjusting and correcting
Business Plan reports with result analysis and action proposals.
Desde verificar a ajustar, corregir
3. Verifying
Monitoring of sustainability objectives and indicators in Business Plans.